
In August 2011, Mora Main, a Waverley Councillor placed a letter in a local paper seeking contact with like minded people to form a Men’s Shed in the Eastern Suburbs.

The first suggested location proved unsuitable, but an offer by UnitingCare Ageing in November 2011 of a disused shed on the War Memorial Hospital site led to the formation of a Foundation Committee at the beginning of 2012.

Meeting each fortnight, this committee planned the direction of the Men’s Shed, developed a Constitution, applied for Incorporation and Charity status, lobbied State and local Councillors and Community organisations for support. Following a successful Development Application to Waverley Council, the committee was able to get the disused shed completely refurbished and equipped ready for occupation. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held in March 2013 but it would be another four months before the doors would open for the first intake of members.