Waverley Community Men's Shed Inc.
Advance the health and well-being of our members - P: 0480 439 315
The Waverley Community Men’s Shed (WCMS) is an incorporated body under the umbrella of the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) – we are Shed No 751 of over 1000 Sheds in the Association. Our Shed is currently open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am to 3pm and we invite men to join with us to socialise and work alongside other men on various community and individual projects.
The aim of our Shed is to advance the health and well-being of our members by providing a safe and happy environment where men can, in the company of other men, socialise, use their creative skills (such as with woodwork), learn new skills, and learn about men’s health and well-being.
Our Shed seeks to address the issues of isolation, loneliness and depression which are faced by many men when they cease full-time employment or are looking for work by providing them with a space, tools, support and programs. We provide a support and referral service to members with health issues, directed towards meeting their physical, emotional, mental health and support for the human spirit.
The Waverley Community Men’s Shed is now a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).